Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last couple of photos with hair.

Thanks to Deb and Jacqui for a great lunch and for your support and caring!  Hi to all at Galderma HO it was great to see you all again!  I'm very lucky to be working with such a great team of caring people.  I look forward to seeing you all again soon!  For those who gave me cards and gifts and soup recipies and advice and offered help, THANK YOU.  I'm blessed to have such amazing and caring people around me.

My uni friend Jay, and her beautiful little girl Tabitha
J, great to see you and have a cuddle with the gorgeous little girl. C U next week.

Now, I'm off to my friend Jennifer's house to have a glass of red and chat about la petite art.
Above is my first attempt at the doll faces as per Suzi Blu's first art lesson online. 
Ok, I'm no michaelangelo - however practice will make perfect!


Unknown said...

Hi Michele,

Thank you for opening this up to us to try to help you thought this. Although I don't know what exactly you are going though, however my brother was killed in a car accident last year. While this isn't the same as your battle, we all carry baggage and its up to us to share the load. We are here for you when and if you need us. Must hang in there for your beautiful girls.

Jacinta said...

I knew you would post that photo! You know, it is the only known photo of me without makeup, and that includes giving birth!
Luckily Tabitha is so cute, nobody will be looking at me.
Poor child of two vain parents ...