Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday - its pretty much gone! And I'm ready for a wine!

Well the day has gone like a breeze, and I'm trying not to get to cocky about the whole thing!  Life today pretty much went on as any Satruday would, ballet lessons for JT, then swimming lessons for the two girls.  Brookie has an absolute ball, Jessica is very aprehensive about swimming - some way to go with her.  I had a chance to sit and watch and get some vitamin D - which was lovely!  Jessica rushed off to a friends birthday party and came home looking like a rainbow princess!  She had a great day and thats what counts.

Kylie, my friend from uni, came and spent some hours chatting.  We had Jay's Risotto (KB loved it too!) and chocolate muffins for lunch and chilled out for the afternoon ,,,,,,

Kylie and MK

The girls have had their bath, dinner soon, then bed!  GT and I will sit and relax, have a drink and take some time to reflect over the past two weeks, what a whirlwind trip we've been on so far.  Today I have felt better than I have for the last two weeks  - possibly because diagnostics are over and treatment has started, and it's not been that bad so far (OK, I DO realise its only the end of day one post-chemo ,,,, but you know how it is - every minute that you feel good is a blessing.)  I am simply feeling much less anxious today!

Thanks to Yve for the injection - I couldn't have done that myself!
Thanks for all the calls and sms's - I'll get back to you all in the near future!

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