Friday, July 2, 2010

THREE down, and a relatively easy morning - home early!

Off to the JUICE BAR today for #3 of six chemo treatments, still the same special "Fluro Orange".

White blood cell count was good.  Will have a CAT Scan next week (Tuesday 9.20am for all those who need more details!) to check progress on the cooking of the "leg of lamb"!  Dr Harris seems happy with progress, I still have 10 numb fingertips - so she knocked back on the dose of the drug that causes this and we'll see next visit if things have changed. Cough pretty much gone.

Nothing remarkable to report about the morning - all went well, took the nurse 2 goes to find a nice, juicy vein.  Again the slice from VR went down a treat!  Home by 2.30pm, so I can't complain today!

Happy days, all things considered!

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