Saturday was "cousie" day - Corynne and Zara visited, then Giles and Charlotte, then Babette, Ryan and Imi came over for dinner. So the day was again spent eating and relaxing, and Jessica and Brooke had a fantastic day bonding with their cousie's!
Other than some sleepless hours with miscellaneous aches and pains - I'm doing OK and running at about 80-90% health capacity - which is typical for most people sick or not - so I can't complain. I am a little over taking medicines ,,,,,, but otherwise doing just fine. Waiting to see Dr H this Friday for her interpretation of the cat scan and a more detailed discussion about the remaining plans for my treatment. Running up to Friday, I have a diary full of activities to keep me busy! (As usual!)
Today is a quite day, and it's nice to still be in PJ's at 11am! We've watched a movie (Old Dogs - thanks to uncle giles) and are just chillin out today - Brookie has cough/cold that includes lots of mucus ,,,, so we are keeping ourselves quite for an optimal recovery opportunity - she needs to be well enough for preschool on Tuesday - I have a lunch date! (LOL)
Hi Michele, thought I'd check in and see when you want to get together again. Do you want to come around one night and paint AND chat?? I've got all the stuff we need as you know, and would LURVE to see you. Let me know - I'm always free lol! Reading about your social life exhausts me, I couldn't keep up with you. Hope you can fit me in, lol. See ya. Jenn XXX
Hi Michele Glad to hear that your feeling so well. That is a blessing that you are able to be as social as can be. Keep up the good work. Its count down for your Dad and I now for Sturgis, 3 weeks from Sat. 10th. 2 more weeks at the gym. Weight is still slowly dropping so pleased with that. We had a Pizza Free weekend!!! Love Elaine
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