Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Five DOWN, and doing OK ,,,, now!

Friday chemo session was in the afternoon and I got home by 5.30pm feeling like I'd been hit by a bus.  I think they pushed the drugs in pretty fast, however I wasn't quite myself on Friday.

I cried with Dr Harris

I cried with the nurses at the day clinic.

The emotional side of the treatment has obviously caught up with me.  The nurses handed me a pile of leaflets and DVD's to watch focused on "living well after cancer" type information.  After a quick flick it appears all pretty relevant, and very normal.  Even knowing that makes me feel better.

I have spent the last days hibernating at home - resting and sleeping.  Surrounded by GT and the girls. 

Greatful for small diversion's from a visit by my Uni friends saturday arvo.

(L to R) J, Sam, Kylie, Michele, Ali and Mel

And a nice dinner out with lovely ladies from mothers group on saturday night. 

(L to R) Louisa, Michele, Megan, Dee, Sheridan and Lisa

And chicken and vege soup delivery from my mum on sunday!

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