Monday, December 20, 2010

Day minus 1

Last bag of chemo went in today - the most toxic of them all, however there are special drugs to make it tolerable, so I'm feeling tops. Thanks to Jennifer for the fantastic sushi and salad for lunch and the chat, always great to see you!  Thanks also to my little bro - Giles - for visiting and shouting me hot chips, yoghurt and a coffee - great to see you also and show you around my new home.

I've been a bit bored and have been wandering youtube for entertainment, I have linked Achmed the Dead Terriorist, its funny and racist - so don't watch if this doesn't take you fancy, but it made me laugh.

and this is a special christmas Achmed for the festive season



Silence I kill you

Grumpy said...

Achmed is great.