Friday, December 17, 2010

Day minus 4

All went well again today regarding the medication.  There was another anti-histamine type drug added before the etoposide that worked a treat and no further reaction occured.

Had some lovely visitors - GT and Jessica popped in, at the same time as Jack, Vicki and their granddaughter Sammie, and the lovely Deb popped in this afternoon and escorted me to the ENT department to have a chat with the registrar there - and we killed about an hour or so waiting for him with some interesting and girlie chat - that had as laughing like the two old guys on the muppet show that sit in the mezz level.

Spoke with Dr Will today - and always, he never seems to come with the best news, howeve nothing surprises me any more.  So I handed over the PET scans a day or so ago, and they reviewed them at the department meeting this morning.  He said is was unaware at just how LARGE the lymphoma was to start with, and he still consideres what is left in the most recent PET scan to be large,,,, go figure.  He's not overly positive that the stem cell transplant will have me in remission by the end of it, however he reinforced the importance of the radiography at the end of it, and I will need to get onto that pretty quickly after I get out of here.  Dr Harris will need to organise this with the SAN when I meet with her on January 10th.

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