Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tommorrow starts the next treatment phase - autologous stem cell transplant

But before I get to that, the past 8 days have been very busy catching up with the "usual admin" that accumulates while away from home for almost two weeks, and getting ready for being away from home for another 3 weeks

I have:
  • had a meeting with the principle and orientation for jessica at St Patrick's last monday
  • had a heart gauge pool test and had a pap smear - if I have cervical cancer after all this God help me! As you can imagine last tuesday was fun! (Not)
  • had fitted and purchased the school uniform and stuff for St Patricks, finished the christmas shopping and wrapped all the pressies last wednesday
  • signed off wills etc (and got the bill!) last thursday
  • did two christmas pagents last friday
  • did two swimming lessons on saturday, and one dance concert
  • had too many champaign's with family and friends on sunday, went to one more dance concert sunday arvo, then passed out on the lounge sunday night with the hang-over
  • had Santa deliver pressies for monday morning, set up skype, went to the zoo to see the baby elephants and balmoral beach for a swim
  • had a ct scan for my sinuses on tuesday and did lunch at the pub with GT, my dad and brother and then did 'coffee and cake' at the pub for new mothers to St Patricks tuesday night
  • finished insurance claim, paid credit card and other sundry bills etc etc
  • made phone calls and got through the daily "to do list"
  • packed my bags for hospital and most importantly
  • cuddled my girlies as much as I could and helped Jessica work through her little melt-down's about me being away for 21-days
I'm exhausted, however ready for tomorrow (well not really ,,,,but you can't stop progress,,,,)

Back to RNSH tomorrow, for the PICC line (like a canula except uglier and longer lasting!) to be inserted at 9am, then I'll be on the juice machine by mid afternoon and "day minus 6" of my stem cell transplant will have truely begun.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shell,
Wow you have packed a lot into the last couple of weeks. Hope early Christmas was fun and you're not too exhausted. Sorry we kept missing each other. Just want you to know I am thinking of you daily, especially tomorrow. Keep me posted and hopefully I can come visit soon. Love you lots, take care, Sammy x

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,

Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you at this time as you go forward with this next phase of your treatment. I will be praying for you everyday that your body will cope ok with the chemo and that every single rotten cancer cell will be destroyed!! Also praying that the stem cell transplant will be at success and that your body will recover quickly. Most of all I'm believing for complete healing and restoration of your body. I also will be praying for you for a peace surpases all understanding and for your family.
Take care beautiful lady and I look forward to hearing about your wonderful news of full remmission next year.
Love from Jennifer Nicholas(galderma)

Anonymous said...

Lit a Christmas candle for you.
Ho, ho,.... ho.
Flying with you all the way. SOAR