Thursday, June 23, 2011

Home and over it ,,,,

Walked in the house, kids on 'melt down' mode (OH great!) - and I know how they feel!  Jessica is in her second last week of term and looks like a walking zombie - she's exhausted. 

Bloods crashed today, so I'm back on all the fun "anti's" for the next week or so to try and 'not get sick'.  Therefore I  have cancelled all social activities for the weekend to stay quiet and well for the PET scan on Tuesday.

Some mental and physial preparation will also need to be done for Tuesday.  Its a really weird feeling waiting for the PET scan, not to sound too dramatic - but its like the 'end of the world'.  We can't move past Tuesday without knowing what the results are ,,,,, its a bizarre and highly anxiety creating state.

But - holding focus and off to help Jessica finish her news for the week - mummies jobs are never done! Life is real when kids are involved.

1 comment:

Jacinta said...

Stay home and relax! Will give you a call. It's a long journey ...
Remember how long the school year was in kindy? And that was back in the days when you just learned to tie your shoelaces as the key KPI