So GT and I weren't the only one's wondering what the PET scan actually meant. Finally spoke to Dr Will late this afternoon, and his comment "its not bad but its not good either". What the?
We'll talk in more depth on Friday. Waiting is a real pain in the butt.
Still, I have chemo to look forward to tomorrow (not), and will probably get myself a platelet and another blood transfusion for my troubles, as my bloods have not picked up. I'm amazed I'm still vertical - with two kids at home sick and no immune system ,,,,,,, someone's looking after me.
I know it doesn't help much but we are all thinking of you. You and your family are always in our thoughts and our prayers.
much love
Mandy xx
Gosh blossom well done not getting sick .... I think that your subconscious is looking after you cause it knows you can't be (too) sick!
Let's hold onto the "not bad" comment till you hear more!
Thinking of you everyday and sending you healthy and strong energy. Jenn x
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