40 something and mother of two, Michele K, has just found out her plant-she has been invaded by B-Cell Lymph's, who have settled into three positions and are attacking aggressively. Now it's up to her alter ego "Me-Shell the lymphoma-slayer" to unleash her killer instincts to ensure this war is won! Stay tuned for the battles and adventures of "Me-Shell"!
You look like you just ate that food on the previous post and need to bring it back up! Or are the photos back to front and the other photo is what you brought up? Hee Hee LOL! Jenn xx
You look like you just ate that food on the previous post and need to bring it back up! Or are the photos back to front and the other photo is what you brought up? Hee Hee LOL! Jenn xx
Darn those tardy doctors! They are always running late or something, I don't know
Great face
Good luck with it all Michele! Fingers and toes crossed for you
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