Friday, June 4, 2010

Touch Down! One Down - Bring on the weekend!

With no idea of what to expect this morning, in hindsight the day went very well.  I didn't get the usual orentiation, so they just kept throwing stuff at me and we managed to get it all done anyway.  There are definately a plethera of drugs to get into the system, however all painlessly.  I was blessed with a luscious vein and Jan was the great nurse who got the canula in first go!

The day started with an appointment with Dr Harris, she confirmed the diagnosis - Intermediate grade, which I knew, however I'm at stage III which means spots in chest, abdomen and pelvis.  The schedule for chemo has shortened, making it more aggressive - so every 14 days unless there are complications.  Prognosis at end of treatment is 78% for remission, and at 2 years 74% to be disease free.  I'll take those, pretty positive over all.

I have been informed that I will definately loose my hair, as there is a fluro orange drug that I have to take that guarantees this!  So, I will be making a trip to "Celebrity Wigs", on Oxford Street, for the coolest and sexiest wigs in town!  I spent some of the 6 hours at the day surgery checking out the brochure, with Marion's help.

Juice-Bar Special for the Day is "Fluro Orange"
Amazingly, it comes out the same colour! Ah!

Here's a tip.  As nurses can either make or break your "experience", on arrival I handed over a portion of Veronica's delicious caramel/chocolate slice for the staff to enjoy with their morning tea!  This tactic went down very well, I pretty much met everyone as they popped in to say "Hi and Thanks!" As I was sitting around all day, I had the time!  It was great.  I also got the only PRIVATE ROOM in the day surgery ----- which is the benefit of being nice to the right people!  Marion has even borrowed my "Gladiator" DVD for the weekend! I'll have "besties' everywhere" by the end of this!

I'm feeling a little tired now.  The girls are finally in bed, and have been their usual selves this afternoon which is a great sign really, I'm keen to maintain as much normality in our lives as possible.  I have arrived home with a swag of more drugs to keep the nausea, constipation and insommina at bay.  Prevention is better than cure in my book, so I'm takin' the lot!  All GT has to watch out for is the "Roid Rage" as that dose has doubled, and we'll just have to deal with what-ever at the time.  The only thing I can't do is give myself an injection, and Glenn definately passed on that one, so a special thanks to Yve - our friendly mother's group nurse who is going to pop by tomorrow and do the honours! 

Speaking of special thanks - GT, you're simply the best, and looking after me like I am a true warrior-chick! Corynne, thanks for minding the kids, which allowed Glenn to take special care of me on my first day at the juice-bar!  Thanks to everyone who rang and/or sent messages!

Bring on the weekend!  I can even have a few drinks ,,,,,,,,,, (yippee!)


Jacinta said...

Injections are hard at first, but they take practice. I gave myself a needle every single day of pregnancy with Tabitha and much of it with Alex. I don't even think about it now.
Give it a try soon ..

Jacinta said...

GT has been treating you like a princess for about the last ten years. Remember your 30th ....