40 something and mother of two, Michele K, has just found out her plant-she has been invaded by B-Cell Lymph's, who have settled into three positions and are attacking aggressively. Now it's up to her alter ego "Me-Shell the lymphoma-slayer" to unleash her killer instincts to ensure this war is won! Stay tuned for the battles and adventures of "Me-Shell"!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day plus 6
Another day has passed, with very little change. I even asked Dr Will yesterday if he's given me placebo!?
Glenn and my mum and a ward 12 friend chris visited today.
Resting now, waiting for dinner.
Hi lovely girl, have been thinking of you constantly sending you recovery wishes. Glad you have some company and are resting up. Keep up the ward walks and get lots of rest. Ready to visit when ever you feel up to it. Lots of love and hugs from us Monteaths xxxx
Hi lovely girl, have been thinking of you constantly sending you recovery wishes. Glad you have some company and are resting up. Keep up the ward walks and get lots of rest. Ready to visit when ever you feel up to it. Lots of love and hugs from us Monteaths xxxx
Hi Michele,
Hoping all is going Well
Keep Smiling,
Lots of Love and Best Wishes,
Sue and Steve.
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