Friday, August 19, 2011

Day plus 7

Ground-hog day again, doing really well. Its all about doing as I'm told, walking and sitting, saying a prayer or three each day and taking every day as it comes.

Thanks to my Mr Wonderful, who fussed over me today.

Thanks to Giles and Jo for burning some movies for me!


Jennifer :: The Blissful Brush said...

Great to hear that you're feeling great and enjoying GHD! Keep the walking, sitting and praying going as it's obviously working for you blossom.

Hope you're up for visitors next week.

Jenn x

Deb Rusbourne said...

Hey gorgeous, in Melbourne, thinking of you and our great weekend.
Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

hi meechell

keeping up with your journey, sending you lots of hugs and wishing you well with your latest challenge! hope all goes well. love your photos of your girls and you of course and the lovely glen

will let the girls know how your going

lots love

marion ( the scottish nurse at shoc)
aw ra best tae ye ! thats good luck in scottish
