Summary of Journey

MAY 2010

22 May
Lump found in abdomin - Lymphoma

27 May
Discussion with Haematologist, Dr M Harris (Hornsby) diagnosis:
Large Diffuse B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Stage III, Aggressive
Lesion in abdomin the size of a LARGE leg of Lamb

28 May 
Bone Marrow test and PET scan at RPA

31 May 
Key hole biopsy to confirm diagnosis


4 June 
First of 6 chemo treatments, one day every fortnight - R-CHOP 14

FRIDAY 13th August
Last of 6 chemo treatments


September - break to let chemo take maximum effect - fingers crossed for remission at next PET scan

20 September
PET scan - showed lesion the size of a kiwi fruit

22 September
CAT scan - showed the lesion was still there

24 September
Meeting with Dr Harris to discuss next steps - to my surprise, MORE CHEMO! Then stem cell transplantion to finish off the radiotherapy!  Very Shocked!


5 October
First of 3, 3 day chemo treatments to begin - R-RICE 21
However that all came to a grinding halt with anaphylactic response the the Etoposide, however when that was resolved, we finished putting the mabthera

6 October /7 October
First of 3, 2 day chemo treatments - R-DHAC 21

12 October
40th Birthday - yay! not feeling very well

14 October
Admitted to SAN hospital with Neutropenia and Low platelets

15 October
Platelet transfusion - O+

19 October
Discharged from hospital feeling HUMAN again!

27 October /28 October
Second chemo treatment

28 October
Meeting at RNS to discuss stem cell transplant


15 October
PET scan - lesion about 20-30% less than previous scan, so still there but shrinking at least!

17 November /18 November
Third chemo treatment

19 November
Meeting at RNS to discuss stem cell transplant

25 November
Admitted to RNS for being neutropenic, stayed 12 nights.
Had sinusitis looked at by ENT to be sure it didn't recurr while having stem cell transplant. Spoke with Immuologist who felt I am not allergic to etoposide, so will be using BEAM drugs for stem cell transplant.

It appears that the lymphoma is classified "grey zone" between DLBCL and Burkitt's lymphoma


6 December
Discharged from RNS

15 December
Being admitted to RNS for Stem cell transplant

21 December
Stem cell transplant - Day zero


4 January
Discharged from RNS - Day 14