Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One more sleep ,,,,,

Waiting for chemo to take full effect.  We've decided to make good use of our a chemo-free fortnight and do a family road trip to dubbo - lightning ridge - lennox head. 

Will be back in time for PET scan Monday 20th September, then CAT scan Wednesday 22nd September then review meeting with Dr Harris Friday 24th September!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday with friends

Trav and Ali, Mark and Shona and kids came over today to catch up and celebrate! 

Thanks guys for bringing a wonderful feast, and for all your support over the past few months.  I realise it ain't that easy to cross one side of sydney to the other these days with young kids in tow - the weekends are our new "peak hour" and trying to get anywhere can be a debarcle!  None-the-less, you did it and we thank you!  Let's catch up soon, I think it will be our turn to visit the shire/gong next time around!

Photo's to follow!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Life is always interesting ,,,,

I'm happy now my Dad is safely back in the country from his trip to the USA.  He and Elaine hired a Harley Davidson and travelled to the 70th Anniversary Sturgis Rally in South Dakota.  They had a great time ,,,, and sure saw some intesesting sights!! (By the way - the woman in the photo is not Elaine!) 

I say "good on ya love!"

My first chemo-free Friday was spent celebrating!

A lunch @ a juice-bar of a much preferred kind!

I had the very best day yesterday, celebrating my first MILESTONE - the end of chemotherapy with friends and family.  I can't remember a time where I felt so happy!  Thanks to everyone who was able to come and help celebrate, and for all the "well wishes and thoughts" from those that couldn't!  I am truely BLESSED to be surrounded by such fantastic people - your support has been amazing and unforgettable!

While my gorgeous husband and best friend GT is not featured in any photos below (because he was behind the camera) I owe him a special thanks as he's been my rock in the past 3 months and has travelled this journey with me positively and calmly!



A room filled with family and friends, and charged with love and support!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it Tuesday?

So glad that's over!  Five days "flat as a pancake" is not fun.  Energy levels have been NIL since late last Thursday.  Glad its all behind me for good.

Special thanks to GT for keeping my gorgeous children busy and occupied while I slept and mooched around the house, and thanks to my mum and John for taking both kiddies "on holiday to the beach" for a night so GT and I could both recouperate!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lazy day, not too stressful

Got the kids off to preschool smoothly then ventured to Westfield for a coffee and did the tax thing with the accountant and the "will" thing with the solicitor.

Long lazy lunch with J and baby T, and a spot of window shopping finished off the day.

Energy levels higher today - inflated by the elephant sized-dose of steriods, however it works for me!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Energy low, but spirits are SOARING!

Saturday morning started with a "drive of the porcelain bus" - my first and last chemo induced vomit!  I've can say I have had the entire chemo experience now.  Quickly downed the anti-nausea tablet, the 4 prednisone tablets, one fluconazole, one nexium tablet - then 2 peanut butter and jam toasted sandwichs and a coffee and didn't get out of bed for a while!

Energy levels were low most of saturday but I did OK.  Jessica had a sleep over at her cousin's house which left GT and I with the very cute Brookie, who lapped up the "no competition" attention. 

Special thanks to Marion, nurse who works at the Day Surgery for returning "wilma" to me safely - Marion borrowed "wilma" (short red wig) to take to her hairdresser for a colour matching session - she decided she didn't want to be blonde anymore and really liked the colour of my red wig. So in exchange, she gave me my LAST Nulaster needle - for white blood cell regeneration.

Saturday afternoon quietly slipped into saturday night and I/we relaxed.

Sunday was another quite day, starting with another handful of pills for breakfast with another peanut butter and jam toasted sandwich and coffee, and a late start.

Monday was another quite day, starting with another handful of pills for breakfast with another peanut butter and jam toasted sandwich and coffee, and a late start.

So here I sit Monday afternoon, feeling tired but in high spirits and on top of the world, NO MORE CHEMO for ME!

LAST CHEMO treatment finished!

The day started with a reflexology massage and a brunch with my lovely friend Deb.  Then it was off to see Dr Harris, with my wonderful escort - GT.  Arrangements have been made to for last set of tests - PET scan AND CAT scan for week beginning 20th September to ensure the chemo treatment has ample opportunity to exert its maximum effect!

My next appointment with Dr Harris to discuss outcome so far and further treatment will be Friday 24th September.

I was pleased to have Glenn with me at the "juice bar".  Wearing my fabulous NEW hat sent all the way from South Australia by Karen and Dave!  Thanks guys, pretty cool eh!

The LAST of the Fluro-Orange Juice!

Friday, August 13, 2010

UNLUCKY for somethings!

It's friday the 13th, and I have a feeling that it is a very unlucky day for lymphoma. LAST CHEMO tx this afternoon, and I am making the most of my morning - massage and brunch in the sun with my great friend Deb Todd!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Girls just wanna be girlie!

LAST CHEMO treatment is fast approaching ,,,

This week has been slow and relaxing. I've read more books in the last two weeks than I've read the whole time I've been off!  I'm feeling mixed emotions about Friday - my last chemo treatment!  Amazing how quickly time seems to have gone, and I'm blessed that I have had mostly great days spending time with family and friends!  

Thankfully the treatment isn't until the afternoon, so I can spend the morning enjoying "feeling well" before the chemo drugs get pumped in - I've decided to use my gift vourcher from friends from work and I'll get myself a massage!  then I'll have a lazy brunch and enjoy the "taste" of the food and coffee, before it goes again for another week or so. 

Glenn will escort me to the treatment this week, cause last time I didn't handle it very well, the nurse suggested I bring someone with me.

Today is another relaxing day, and tomorrow I will visit family and friends on the central coast.  It'll be Friday before I know it. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Doin' ok

Had a very relaxing lunch with my friend Jo who took a day off work to meet me at Mooney Mooney Workers Club for a lazy lunch on the balcony overlooking the Hawksbury River. It's an out of the way lunch venue I can highly recommend!

Thursday and friday were CRASH days. These have been the first real 'crash' days I've had. Spent both days in bed, and no amount of sleeping could change it.

Saturday was a slightly better day, and today was the same as yesterday.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have another lift and will be getting back to normal soon.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Five DOWN, and doing OK ,,,, now!

Friday chemo session was in the afternoon and I got home by 5.30pm feeling like I'd been hit by a bus.  I think they pushed the drugs in pretty fast, however I wasn't quite myself on Friday.

I cried with Dr Harris

I cried with the nurses at the day clinic.

The emotional side of the treatment has obviously caught up with me.  The nurses handed me a pile of leaflets and DVD's to watch focused on "living well after cancer" type information.  After a quick flick it appears all pretty relevant, and very normal.  Even knowing that makes me feel better.

I have spent the last days hibernating at home - resting and sleeping.  Surrounded by GT and the girls. 

Greatful for small diversion's from a visit by my Uni friends saturday arvo.

(L to R) J, Sam, Kylie, Michele, Ali and Mel

And a nice dinner out with lovely ladies from mothers group on saturday night. 

(L to R) Louisa, Michele, Megan, Dee, Sheridan and Lisa

And chicken and vege soup delivery from my mum on sunday!