Monday, May 9, 2011

Meeting with Dr Will

Not quite what we were expecting, the spots on my lungs is new lymphoma and the best option for me now is to do more chemotherapy. Dr Will is keen to start next week. After that is probably a stem cell transplant with my sister's stem cells.

Everything however will be fluid, as there will be a lot of 'corners' in this journey, and you never know what's around them til you get there.

Just gotta keep punching away, and praying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle,
I'm sorry to hear about your results. It is great though that you do have more treatment options and there is more they can do to help you. I can imagine you must feel overwealmed. Please know that I will continue to up-hold you in my prayers and I pray for you that God will give you his perfect peace....know that he is in control of everything. I will also continue to pray for healing for your body. Take care beautiful lady. Love Jennifer (melb)