Friday, September 23, 2011

Bugger off whooping cough!

Can't believe it, gearing up for a little R&R with family on the central coast, and Jessica has tested positive to whooping cough.  Apparently there is an epidemic!  The whole family are on antibiotics and staying away from civilisation for 5 days.

Saw Dr Will yesterday - he suggested a couple of drug options to attempt to retard any growth of the cancer while we wait for the graft vs host disease.  One drug is especially new, and I have been referred on to a nuclear medicine Dr to discuss it.  Its called Zevalin. 

Enjoying a quiet day at home, weather is fantastic! Kids are behaving ,,,,,


Anonymous said...

Oi- weather turned on us this weekend and on the central coast and everywhere else it is raining cats and dogs and all sorts of stuff. Must be school holiday season! Think immune and think strong. If you are going to go nuclear... glow! Off o/s once again to HQ. Rock on.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Just checking in. Do you keep a check on how many read your blog? It seems to me that tonight alone more than twelve have checked!! No GVH yet? love, Bert