Friday, July 23, 2010

It's been a quiet week

Mostly it's been a down week with regards to energy, I guess the chemo treatments are catching up (Dr H said they would accumulate).

However it hasn't been all rest and no play - I had a lovely breakfast with some Galderma friends and colleagues on saturday morning in the sun at the coonabarra café.

Shannon and Surekha
Charlie and Susan

Saturday evening I got the weekly phone call from my German Dr friends, who were pleased to hear that everything is on track - so pleased that it was a good enough excuse to have a beer at midday for them!
Jan and Katrin talking to me from Germany

Tuesday morning breakfast with my friend Justine from NZ, before a quiet day at home.


Wednesday was a quick visit to sheridan's, pleasantly surprised to find the gorgeous James (sheridan's hubby) also at home, who was ever-so-happy to look after us both with coffee and cake delivered to the couch where sheridan and I were solving the worlds problems!

Thursday, a quiet day at Saratoga with my lovely sister-in-law Jo and where the coussies charlotte and brooke got to do a lot of bonding! Amazingly it was a relatively relaxing day as the little one's entertained themselves.

Friday (today) has been my crash day ,,,, energy left me and white cell blood count rejuvination obviously kicked in. I have struggled with an ache in my head today. Nothing a handful of panadol and lots of sleep got sorted.

Very quiet weekend planned.

1 comment:

melashton said...

Hi Michelle
Lucy here - as in Lucy Ashton - Toby's sis. So sorry to hear about your illness but obviously seen your blog and you look so well. I feel sure you will come thru it. Think Kylie! I know its different but the power of positive thought... I hope you don't feel too ill.
I LOVE your blonde wig! My fave out of all of them! Perhaps shallow talk but personally I think you have such a beautiful face you dont need a wig at all. Google Gail Porter - a pin up in the UK who lost her hair to alopecia and refused the wigs....
Hope you are coping well. Its hard to find the right words but I just want you to know I am sending you good well vibes.
Much love to you and your fam
Lucy xxxx