Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just an hour to go!

Its amazing just how your spirits lift when you realise you are at the end of another chemo session, just an hour to go! Yipee!

I got up early this morning and baked my infamous banana bread and brought it in for the ladies with a thank you card! Both went down a treat!

I've been spending time here at the juice-bar since late May, and have benefited from their expertise, caring and TLC over this time
- from the big kahuna Dr H,
- to the ladies at both receptions - particularly Janice and Steph,
- to Deb and her lovely worldly and wonderful tribe of nurses - particularly Maid Marion and Kiwi Kirsten, and in the early days Jessica and Phillipa,
- to the pharmacy ladies - particularly Marion
- to the wonderful voluenteer ladies who make the best cuppa's, toasties and cup of soups -

The people here become like and extended family.

Even when I turn up unannounced - not feeling well and always teary, I get cared for, hugged, given great advice and medical treatment and sent on my way feeling much better!

42 mins to go ,,,,, then NO more chemo for this session!

How happy am I!

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